Podcast on the Road

Take Your Podcast on the Road

In this post-pandemic “new normal,” many of us are now heading back to events, conferences, and meetups. There’s a ton to learn from attending in-person events. It’s also an amazing networking opportunity. If you’re clever, you can line up guests in advance and record a few interviews while you’re away from home.

But before you take your podcast on the road, you’ll need to consider a few important things like what gear to bring, how to ensure you’ll have a good internet connection, any changes to your regular schedule, and more!

In this article, we’re talking about:

  • What is the value in attending IRL conferences, meetups, or events?
  • How do you podcast when you’re not in your studio?
  • What should be in your video podcast “travel kit”?

Watch the video podcast episode

Catch The Flow by Ecamm live every Tuesday at 12pm Eastern on YouTube. Audio-only episodes drop on Tuesdays on your favorite podcast platform.

Shownotes and episodes available at flow.ecamm.com

What is the value in attending IRL (in real life) conferences, meetups, or events?

At Ecamm, we’re all about virtual events. We host our own (are you signed up for Leap Into Podcasting, yet?) each year. We spend a lot of our time in front of our computers live streaming, Zoom-ing, video chatting, podcasting, and more. But, we absolutely can acknowledge that there’s just something magical about being face to face with our customers, colleagues, friends, and the Ecamm Fam.

That’s why we always make time each year to attend at least a few industry events. In addition to learning trends, tips, and tactics, and sharing about what we do, being in person at these events also gives us face time with experts, speakers, sponsors, and attendees.

We get the opportunity in between sessions to have coffee chats and conversations over dinner, lunch, or drinks that have nothing to do with work. In those moments, we’re forming and continuing important relationships. This means that down the road, when we need help or want to collaborate, we’ll know who to ask and the ask will be a lot easier because we’ve taken the time to build a relationship.

That relationship is going to be so valuable over the years. And a lot of that relationship building happens at conferences. People are coming to these events from similar niches. So by attending you’re not only gaining all of the information, but you’re benefiting from the “hallway track,” too.

It’s the people and relationships that matter.

How do you podcast when you’re on the road?

Hopefully we’ve convinced you to attend more events and get out there to meet and network with other podcasters or people in your niche. If so, you’re going to need to know how to podcast when you’re away from your studio. The simplest answer is “just do it.”

We say this a lot here at Ecamm, but try not to over think it. Your listeners (viewers) will know that you’re at an event or on the road, so there isn’t the same expectation as when you’re in your studio. Rather than worry about bringing every single piece of gear you have, focus on the content and experience that you’re giving your fans. Are you going to take them behind-the-scenes of the event? Share tips and tricks you learned during the sessions? Maybe you’re planning on interviewing some of the speakers or sponsors? Whatever it is, make that your focus rather than the gear.

That being said, there are a couple of things to consider when you’re away from your studio. The first is to find a quiet space. That can be a bathroom, in a closet, or even in a car. Do a couple of quick sound checks to make sure the space you choose has good acoustics.

Next, make sure you have good audio. If you’re going to pack one piece of gear, we (obviously) recommend a good microphone. It’s also a good idea to really think through where you’re going to be. For example, Podcast Movement is in Dallas, Texas and there’s a lot of wireless interference here at the event, so we decided to go with wired Shure BETA 58 microphones to make sure that we got the quality we were looking for. Remember: if you really need to travel light, remember that you can do a lot with just your phone.

If you’re going to be live streaming your video podcast in front of a studio audience (like we do with The Flow each week), make sure you have a good internet connection. Sometimes you can plug into a wired connection in a hotel room. Regardless, we highly recommend Speedify, which lets you use all of your internet connections at the same time.

What should be in your video podcast on the road “travel kit”?

This is going to vary depending on your use case. For The Flow podcast on the road, we have more than you may need because we’re going to be live streaming from our booth during Podcast Movement. This means we have our computers, a large display, microphones, cameras, lenses, a Stream Deck, a big red button, an “on air” sign, and a zillion and one other things.

We also carefully researched how far away we’re going to be from big box stores like Home Depot or Best Buy incase we’re missing anything we need and have to run out before the show starts.

For your podcast, just consider what matters most to getting the show done. If you’re not using your phone, then you’ll need a computer, a camera, a microphone, lighting, internet, tripod, cables, and batteries. Make yourself a list before you leave home and lay everything out so you make sure you’re not missing anything important. Remember that the content matters most and people expect that it isn’t going to be the same quality when you’re away from your studio space.

Get Into The Flow with Ecamm

Want to catch The Flow live? Join us every Tuesday at 12pm Eastern on YouTube or listen wherever you get your podcasts.

If you have any questions for us, please send them to flow@ecamm.com or join us live.

Hi there. I'm Katie. I'm a marketer and social media geek at Ecamm Network. I'm here to talk about live streaming and video marketing 📹.
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