XayLi Barclay and Ecamm

How XayLi Uses Ecamm to be an In-Demand Brand

Hi there, my name is XayLi Barclay and I’m a camera confidence coach. I can’t begin to express to you how much video has changed my life in such an undeniable way over the past 8 years.

XayLi Barclay

There are days when I look back at the difference in the life I lived when I first got started in the online space compared to the life I live now.

When I first started in the online space, I felt invisible. I knew that I had a ton to offer and wanted to share my my knowledge and experiences, but no one saw my value.

I quickly learned that this was no one’s fault but my own, and I began to observe the greats!

I began to craft the concept of what an in-demand brand consisted of, and I was mind blown.

These people had audiences (large and small) who trusted them! They were clear, consistent, and focused on building community. And the most prominent folks were doing all of this on camera. They were using video content to attract an audience, nurture that audience, and sell to that audience, too.

As a matter of fact, I’d even gone through the process of buying something from a few of these people. I knew EXACTLY what I needed to do to take my own online presence to the next level. I had to get on camera.

I started on YouTube during the first leg of testing out the business. 

Then, I began doing live videos on Periscope, which was a live video platform. I eventually transitioned back to YouTube when Periscope began to fizzle out, and that’s where I found my “video home.”

As I began to build my own audience online, I had to master consistency. Getting on camera is one thing, but doing so consistently is a whole other beast. Consistency is key! Of course, consistency can look different for many people.

When I was going through the transition of using a DSLR, I started looking for a tool to make the process of recording and live streaming much easier (so I could remain consistent). I tried a few tools, and then I landed on Ecamm Live and fell in love!

This tool has single-handedly made me the most money in our business.

Here’s what I love using Ecamm for:

  • Recording my YouTube videos
  • Multistreaming (going live on multiple platforms at once)
  • Recording training, workshops, webinars, masterclasses, and online course videos with ease
  • Recording short-form, vertical videos
  • Creating a custom, high-quality visual experience when I am on Zoom in important meetings

I have not scratched the surface of what is genuinely possible with Ecamm. There is so much more that you can do with this tool, and if you are curious.

All of the things listed above have contributed in major ways to my business’s bottom line. Whether it’s closing partnerships with brands, selling my online course offerings, or creating high-quality content with the ease of using less, it has been a game changer.

Almost five years after adding Ecamm to my content creation workflow, I realized that I have everything in this season that I’d ever wished for. Not too long ago, I lived in the hustle and bustle of New York City, taking the train in the dead of winter with everyone else going to school, babysitting, and cleaning houses for money to survive.

Now I run a business that I LOVE, I got married to my college sweetheart, and we both moved to Texas, which has its pros and cons, but life is such a blessing.

We get to work together in our company and travel, and we often have experiences where we look at each other and ask… Can you believe this? What is life!

I’m a walking manifestation of everything I desired to be while I was riding the train and writing blog posts years ago.

Being on camera changed my life, my husband’s life, and the lives of the people we worked with, I’m grateful Ecamm is a part of the story.


XayLi Barclay

Hi there. I'm Katie. I'm a marketer and social media geek at Ecamm Network. I'm here to talk about live streaming and video marketing 📹.
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