planning your podcast

How to Plan Your Podcast and Live Show

Have you ever wanted to launch a podcast from your live shows? It can be incredibly beneficial to plan your podcast from your live show.

There are so many amazing advantages to having a regular, consistent live show. You can overcome that perfectionism and just create amazing content. You’re able to grow your audience and engage with your community. And so much more!

One of the most powerful advantages is repurposing your live video content. Why not add one more audience to your live and replay audiences? Your podcast listener.

The great thing about podcasts is that your audience can listen while they are doing other things. And they are engaged longer – listening to whole episodes in one go.

In this post, we’re going to talk through how to get started in repurposing your live show into a podcast. Ian Anderson Gray will be sharing his tips, tricks, strategies, and potential pitfalls so that you, too, can go live with confidence and launch a podcast with style!

In this post, we’ll cover

  • Why incorporating live video into your podcasting strategy is important
  • The Confident Live mindset
  • Finding your audience
  • Choosing your live content
  • Content formats
  • Live video structure
  • The 5 Ps of live video process
  • Hosting remote guests

Watch the full episode

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OK, so let’s dive in. Today, we’re talking all about how to plan your podcast – specifically how to plan your live shows so that they can become podcasts. But before we get into the planning, it’s important to talk a little bit about why incorporating live video into your podcasting strategy is important.

Why use both live video and podcasting?

There are lots of advantages to partnering live video and podcasting, but I think these are the top reasons:

  1. Builds a more intimate experience.
  2. Creates an emotional human connection.
  3. Can build more empathy.
  4. Authentic, raw, and human.
  5. Allows viewers access to you.
live streaming and podcasting

Live video helps to build a more intimate experience than the pre-recorded stuff. It gets you out in front of your audience. They can see all your foibles. They can see you maybe stumbling over your words. And that’s cool because they’re getting to know the real you.

Live video is definitely an intimate medium, but do you know what? So is podcasting. With podcasting, your listeners are quite literally plugging in to your content. They’re putting you right into their ears! And not just for five minutes, either. Podcaster listeners tend to listen to the entire episode, however long it is. So even if your content is over an hour long, your most passionate listeners will keep plugged in for the entire time. Isn’t that amazing?

So you’ve got your live video where you can get in front of the camera and give your viewers part of you while sharing your content visually and then you can take that content and repurpose it into a podcast to create a real intimate experience with your audience.

Live streaming and podcasting both create an emotional human connection. When you’re authentically you and you’re sharing important, helpful content with someone, you’re creating that connection. You’re also building empathy, which is hugely important.

One of the most important things that you can do to be authentic on camera or on a podcast is to put energy into it. A lot of it has to do with your voice and how you deliver your content, but some of it definitely also has to do with your gear, specifically your microphone. We’ll be jumping more into live streaming and podcasting gear in a future post.

Live video and podcasting allow viewers exclusive access to you, particularly live video. With live streaming, viewers can ask questions and the host (you) can pull those questions right on screen and answer them immediately. It’s perfect for question and answer segments and also for any tutorial content you’re creating because it can help guide your content.

This is why I believe passionately in having a live video show alongside your podcast. Having the podcast helps you expand your reach to an audience who wouldn’t normally watch you because they’re just not into video. Maybe they’re not even on Facebook or YouTube… or maybe they’re listening while they’re in the car or cleaning up around the house.

And this is a big one for me. Live streaming allows you to create content so much more quickly and easily than any other kind of content. If you treat your live stream broadcasts as the anchor of your content strategy, you can easily repurpose your live video into a podcast, a blog post, a PDF, a YouTube video, short videos for social media, and so much more. And all along the way, you’ll be reaching all these difference audiences. Isn’t that exciting?

Planning is the most important thing

Having a plan is so incredibly important when you’re launching a new live show and a a podcast. You need a plan. You really do. The truth is that you’ll sometimes struggle to launch a live show. You won’t know why you’re doing it. There may come a time, and this is important… there may come a time, 15 episodes in, or 20 episodes in when you start to feel like giving up because it’s not all easy. Launching a live show… launching a podcast… it’s not all smooth sailing.

There are going to be times when you’ll want to give up, but if you plan in advance, if you know why you’re doing it, if you know what you want to share and who your audience is, if you have everything in place at the start — this is going to help you be much more successful and be consistent. So I want you to stick with me on this one, because it is really important.

The Confident Live Mindset

Let’s focus, first of all, on what I call the Confident Live Mindset. This is whether you’re doing live or whether you’re doing a podcast or whether you’re doing both. It’s really important to put forward your strengths and your personality and to tell your story in a way that is delivering value to your viewers and listeners.

the confident live mindset

In The Podcaster Hour series that I’m doing now, I’m not just letting you know about how to go live and start a podcast. I’m telling you my story. I’m sharing my experience, the struggles that I have had, and all the things that I have learned in order to help you navigate this world and create a professional podcast and live stream.

There’s that word. Professional. We all want to be professional and an authority on something, but as Luria Petrucci of always says you also need to lean into your flaws because it’s those bits that make you YOU and make you special.

And make sure you answer people’s questions on your live shows and on your podcasts, but have some fun and be yourself. Don’t make it all boring.

Now that you’ve thought a bit about the YOU behind your content, let’s talk a little about the WHO – your audience.

You always need to make sure that you’re thinking about your audience. And different audiences need different kind of attention. Now this is a bit tricky because on a live show you want to engage with your audience. It’s a party atmosphere with community aspects. Whereas on a podcast, it’s a much more intimate experience. So you need to have balance.

When I’m doing my live show, I’m really clear with everyone that it’s a live show with an audience that I’m interacting with. For my podcast, I’m clear that it’s a recording of a live show and my podcast listeners are totally fine with that.

When I’m talking to my live audience, I’m talking in the plural. We’re all doing this and that. When I’m talking to my podcast listeners, I’m speaking in the singular. I think that’s really important. Particularly when it comes to your podcast, you want to think about speaking to your audience as one person and get a little personal.

Building a Podcast and Live Stream Show Plan

OK, so now we need to think about our WHY and our WHAT. That brings me into the show plan. I already told you about how integral having a plan really is. In fact, I keep mine in a Google doc so that it can evolve over time.

I start with a summary. What is my live show and podcast about?

It may seem a little silly to write this down, but it will be helpful for you to have it written down because this is what you want to communicate to your audience.

Once you have that, add in the details. Who is the audience? Where are you going to broadcast to? When I first started The Confident Live Marketing Show, I was only going to Facebook Live, but now I’ve expanded it to most of the social channels.

My audience for the show are established entrepreneurs who have an online-based business. I’m not really dealing much with beginners. It’s the people who want to level up their impact. I also added in demographics (where they live, women or men, age groups, etc) so I have a clear picture of who I’m talking to and helping.

Do you know who your audience is? Also, make sure to remember that your podcast audience is likely going to be different than your live video audience.

Next on your plan is going to be more about you. What makes you stand out? What makes you different?

Again, writing about yourself may feel silly but there is going to come a time when you’ll find it helpful to go back and look at this information and remember why you wanted to get started and what you wanted to convey.

Then on my plan, I have an intro and outro so I have that information listed out in my plan. You can opt for this or not, depending on what’s important to you and your audience.

So that’s how you structure a show.

Thinking in Themes

When you’re thinking out and planning for episodes, what helped me the most was coming up with themes. I recommend coming up with three different themes for your live shows and podcasts.

In my show, theme number one is camera confidence, mindset, and presentation. It’s the psychology. It’s how we can get you more confident in front of the camera.

Number two is the tech and the gear. It could be to do with audio, video gear, that kind of thing.

And number three is to do with the content marketing side of things. This really helps in terms of bringing in guests and things like that. I can bring in a guest, for example, I can bring in a psychologist or a marketing expert. This theme makes it so easier.

And every single live show or podcast that I do is going to be about one of those themes that allows me to be a much more intentional about my shows.

A Bit on Podcast Sponsorship

Now we’re coming on an optional bet, which is sponsorship. Now, if you’re just starting off don’t worry about sponsors. We’ll go more into depth on this topic in a future post.

When I was starting out, I chose to start with sponsors, but a lot of that was because I had a good relationship with certain companies and it made sense to do that. For you guys, you may want to really think about what the most amount of sense.

Be sure you’re thinking about not just the future, but the promise that you’re making to yourself and to your audience. That’s what’s really important. In my podcast, I want to produce challenging, encouraging, and practical tips on how to level up my audience’s impact, authority, and profits … and to help with lack of confidence.

I also want to be transparent and vulnerable with my ups and downs so I can share my journey with them. Then I’ve got also my reasons of why I’m launching the show. Again. That’s really important for those times when you’re going to be down and struggling to remember why you’re doing this?

So why am I doing this for me? It was for brand awareness as a confident live video expert to promote my products and build relationships with guests and sponsors and also to repurpose to other channels as well.

Repurposing Your Content for Live Video and Podcast

Here are some popular content formats that you may have and can use for repurposing into live video or podcast topics:

  • How-to videos
  • Blog posts
  • Education
  • Behind the scenes
  • Interviews
  • Latest news

Let’s think about other ways that you could create content that might work for podcasts. Most of these would work pretty well for live video, but not all of these formats will work for podcasts. Re-purposing a blog post, I think would work really, really well.

So you might be doing theme about marketing, for example. So I might’ve written a blog post and I’m going to take that blog post and talk about it on my live show. That would work really well for a podcast.

Educational content would definitely work, too. And an interview would work great as well. And Ecamm Live can do that for you easily.

Be careful though about your podcast listeners. A few weeks back, I had Annette MacDonald from Easil on my live show talking all about how to use Easil to create amazing live streaming graphics. It was slightly tricky because we were demoing a software and my listeners couldn’t see what we were showing to our viewers. I had to be careful to explain everything that was going on so it would be relevant for my listeners.

News articles would work well for both live streaming and podcasting, but behind-the-scenes probably wouldn’t work well for podcasting. That brings me into something important – the three audiences.

The 3 Audiences for Live Streaming & Podcasting

Here are the three audiences you should be thinking about.

podcast audiences
  1. Replay viewers: these are the people who will join your live show.
  2. Live viewers: you’ll want to make sure to make them feel special. Call them out by name. Say hello.
  3. Podcast listeners: you’ll need to describe what’s going on to these folks because they are listening.

So you can see we’ve got viewers, viewers, listeners.

Always Promote Your Podcast!

Today, we’ve been talking about planning your live show, but you also need to plan your individual episodes and promote both your live show and your podcast, too.

the 5 ps live video process

My live show is at every Tuesday and Thursday and my podcast comes out every Friday. Since I know when those shows are coming up, I can pre promote those on social, but also on email – especially if I have scheduled links to drive my followers back to so they can RSVP and get notifications.

Once you’ve promoted, then you’ll move on to producing your show and podcast. And then finally repurposing and doing things like turning your live show into a blog post (like we’ve done in this post!)

We’re here to help!

Wherever you are right now, you’re not alone, and we’re here to help. You can watch all episodes of The Podcaster Hour on YouTube and leave us any questions that you have in the comments.


Join the Ecamm Live Community to network with other live streamers like you, grab Ian’s live streaming and podcasting gear guide, and try out his live video confidence guide.

And if you need another podcast to listen to, may we humbly recommend the Confident Live Marketing Show.

Hi there. I'm Katie. I'm a marketer and social media geek at Ecamm Network. I'm here to talk about live streaming and video marketing 📹.
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